Track My App Logo

Welcome to the TrackMyApp service

At South East Water, the Developer Services team are always looking at ways to streamline the application process for new and existing customers.

This has led to the introduction of our new TrackMyApp service. With only your NARS Reference and your email address you'll be able to follow your applications journey from start to finish, ensuring you're fully aware of any outstanding issues that may possibly slow down the process and directly reach out with any concerns.

Track My App Graphic
TrackMy App allows you to...
  • Check the current status of your application
  • Learn more about the application journey
  • Read and resolve notifications
  • Make outstanding payments
  • Contact your personally assigned project estimator

At this time the TrackMyApp service is currently limited to New Service Connection applications only.

Find out more about what constitutes a New Service Connection

Haven't made an application yet?

I need a new connection
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