Like all UK water companies, we're regulated by several Government bodies which monitor and compare our performance each year.
We work closely with all our regulators to make sure we meet stringent UK and European legislation
Ofwat is the economic regulator whose role is to agree the prices that can be charged by water companies. Ofwat also scrutinises the services provided to customers to ensure that companies meet the conditions of their licences.
Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) deals with all aspects of policy relating to the water industry and we operate under a licence granted by the Secretary of State. It also approves water companies’ 25 year Water Resources Management Plans.
The Consumer Council for Water (CCW) is an organisation independent of the water industry. It represents the interests of customers of the water and sewerage companies in England and Wales. It also promotes customers’ interests in relation to those companies’ prices ands tandards of service.
The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) is the independent organisation that ensures the legal standards for drinking water quality are met, and oversees the quality of tap water, making sure water is safe to drink when it reaches your home.
Environment Agency
The Environment Agency is responsible for regulating how much water we can abstract from the environment, and protecting and improving the quality of rivers,estuaries and coastal waters. It is also responsible for pollution control, flood defence and fisheries.
Natural England
Natural England is responsible for the protection of designated sites for nature conservation, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy and for the services they provide. in a new tab)